Beyond the Classroom


Explore Discover Challenge

Challenge Days are a part of our school’s core curriculum. The days comprise overseas study tours, local outdoor trips and interactive workshops where students experience for themselves that compassion and connection with people from diverse backgrounds are life-changing virtues. Through thought-provoking games, activities, and discussions, the Challenge Days provide participants with tools to break down the walls of separation and isolation and build new levels of respect, independence and communication. Students leave Challenge Days feeling inspired and empowered to become valuable members of the school and community.

Extra-curricular Activities

We believe that academic subjects and extra-curricular activities complement each other and develop well-rounded, socially skilled, and healthier students. We have a range of fee-charging and non fee-charging extra-curricular activities offered at our school that tap students’ interests in various aspects such as sports, music, visual arts, performing arts, literature, science and technology. Through their participation in these activities, students can learn to communicate, cooperate with other students from other grades and enrich their life experiences along the way.

Fee – charging ECA

Athletics Team

Chinese Dance

Clarinet Class

Drawing Class


Handchimes Class

Mini-tennis Team

Rope Skipping Team

Non-Fee – charging ECA


Let’t grow together


English for Fun

Young Pioneers of Christ

Board Games



Students are offered opportunities to broaden their learning experiences in art, music, history, science and culture through outdoor visits that are organized throughout the academic year. By joining in the guided tours and hands-on tasks, students are engaged in a learner-centred and inquiry-based learning beyond the classroom which enhances their awareness of the world around them.