School Profile

Vision of the School

Nurturing students to follow the footsteps of our patron saint, St. Clare of Assisi, (belonging to the Second Order in the Franciscan Family) a model of truth, honesty and abandonment to the Divine Providence, and living her conviction with non-violent resistance in line with the school motto “Veritas Vincit” or “Truth Conquers”.

Mission of the School

We are committed to developing in our students a positive outlook on life and mutual respect and concern for each other. The school, mindful of the values of its foundation, endeavors to cultivate respect for the spiritual and moral beliefs of the Christian tradition and to create a community in which pupils, cared for as individuals, are helped to find fulfillment as they grow towards adulthood.

Clarians will reflect this beam by acquiring and practising the Four Cardinal Virtues of Prudence, Justice, Fortitude and Temperance through words and deeds.


school logo


楓葉象徵天神之后傳教女修會的發祥地 - 加拿大;

葉面上鍥刻著的拉丁文VERITAS VINCIT 則表示了本校的創立目標 - 真理必勝,即本校的校訓。

School Motto


“Veritas vincit” is a Latin phrase. In English, it means “Truth conquers all”.

“Christ is the foundation of the school
as He is the way, the truth and the life.”



School History

The Founding of St. Clare’s School in 1927

In 1926 our co-foundress, Mother Mary Garbriel and 3 other sisters arrived in Hong Kong with the aim to open a Chinese novitiate.They rented a flat on Nathan Road, one of the poorest parts of the community at that time and evaluated the possibility of the project.On 7th Feb, 1927, an English institute was set up with 7 students. The institute was named after St. Clare as suggested by Father Shak.The school motto Veritas Vincit, which means Truth Conquers was adopted. It indicates that Christ is the foundation of the school as He is the way,the truth and the life. At the end of Feb 1927, the sisters moved to 5 Peace Avenue in Homantin. With the increasing number of students,the house at Peace Avenue was too small for both the students and the sisters’ quarters. At the end of October, 1927,they moved to 3 Argyle Street in Homantin. Having taken the advice of Bishop Enrico Valtorta,the sisters started to establish themselves in the Chinese district. Eventually, Kennedy Town was chosen to be the new site of the school.The new school was opened on Sands Street in 1930. In 1936, the school moved to Prospect Place, Bonham Road. In 1945-46,the school was reorganized under a new educational system, with 2 sessions;morning session for secondary and afternoon session for primary.


天神之后傳教女修會的創始人是加拿大籍的瑪利亞耶穌聖心修女及中國籍的陳志君修女,後者則成為天神之后會的副會祖 ―瑪利亞嘉俾額爾修女,她亦是聖嘉勒學校的創辦人。會祖們均喜愛亞栖栖方濟各的甘貧,信賴上主,喜樂的特點,故以此為天神之后傳教女修會的精神。


School Sponsoring Body

Missionary Sisters of Our Lady of the Angels
(Soeurs Missionnaires de Notre-Dame des Anges, MNDA)

“In 1913, Florina Gervais, a very young Canadian Missionary in Canton, China decided to set up a novitiate for Chinese girls. She returned to Canada to pray and work for the idea. Two years later with a young Canadian girl, Mother Mary of the Sacred Heart (the religious name of Florina Gervais) returned to Swatow at the invitation of the Bishop there. After contracting a fever, her companion died. Alone and with the war on, the Bishop advised her to return to Canada and try to found a novitiate there.

With the help of the Bishop of Sherbrooke, Bishop La Rocque and the warm encouragement of the Apostolic Nuncio, Bishop Pietro di Maria, in June 1919 the first novitiate was opened, and in 1922, with the canonical erection decree, the missionary institute was formally established.  In the same year, five sisters sailed for Kwei Yang in Kweichow.

When Mother Mary of the Sacred Heart left Swatow in 1915, she brought with her a young girl of 17 named Chan Tsi Kwan, whom she had known as a pupil in Canton. That girl later became Mother Mary Gabriel, the co-foundress of the Congregation with Mother Mary of the Sacred Heart in 1919. Each year new groups continued to come to China until in 1949 when missions were expelled from China. They had 14 houses, four of them in Canton. After long years of work in China and Canada and incidentally the opening of St. Clare’s in Hong Kong, Mother Mary Gabriel died in 1974 in Canada, and Mother Mary of the Sacred Heart died in 1979.

Training of girls for sisterhood was the first work of the Congregation. They did this in several dioceses but they also had schools and hospitals, worked in leprosaria and social work. Mother Mary of the Sacred Heart chose to follow the Franciscan Third Order Rule (TOR) due to coincidence. Their first house was near a Franciscan monastery, the Fathers there were her first mentors. So again she got what she wanted – to be a Franciscan with accent on poverty and humility, a badge that would distinguish the Sister of Our Lady of the Angels to this day.

Today, the Congregation has Mission houses in Hong Kong-Macau (China), Japan, Peru, Tanzania, RDCongo, Brazil, Vietnam, Philippines, Rwanda and Canada as the main headquarter.

The Sisters of Our Lady of the Angels are strictly missionaries. The Mother Foundress always said if God wanted the work to go on, He would send vocations to continue His mission through these humble servants of His.

Homepage of Missionary Sisters of Our Lady of the Angels


The school song was written in 1947 by Sr. St. Raphael, Sr. Elizabeth of Portugal and Sr. St. Bertha. Sr. Elizabeth of Portugal was the Principal at that time while the other two were taking their drop in school on mission. Sr. St. Raphael chose the melody of a flower song as the backbone. Sr. St. Bertha, the musician, helped with some modifications and rearrangements while Sr. St. Raphael herself and Sr. Elizabeth of Portugal filled in the words.

School Song


St. Clare’s School! To you we sing this glad refrain
St. Clare’s School! Our hearts with love brim over
Hear! Hear! Hear! Our voices rise in praise
For you we’ll make echoes ring
To the mem’ry of these school days
Faithful forever
Then let us enjoy these bright years
Which ne’er will come again

St. Clare’s School! To you we sing this glad refrain
St. Clare’s School! Our hearts with love brim over
Hear! Hear! Hear! Our voices rise in praise
St. Clare’s School! Alma Mater

In your hall we’ve found a noble truth
An ideal that will be strong and lasting
For your youth receive their thanks and their pledge
Giv’n to thee in this our loyal song
For higher things daily let’s pray and strive
Through life’s frays we’ll ever stand and fight
Alma Mater we’ll ever keep alive
God’s ways you so deeply taught us love

St. Clare’s School! To you we sing this glad refrain
St. Clare’s School! Our hearts with love brim over
Hear! Hear! Hear! Our voices rise in praise
St. Clare’s School! Alma Mater

Hear and rev’rent join our pray’r
Father in heaven, guide us we pray Thee
And from temptation keep us this day
Bring all to serve Thee
Bring all to love Thee
Help us we pray Thee to drive sin away
Bring all to serve Thee
Bring all to love Thee
Help us we pray Thee to drive sin away

St. Clare’s School! To you we sing this glad refrain
St. Clare’s School! Our hearts with love brim over
Hear! Hear! Hear! Our voices rise in praise
For you we’ll make echoes ring
To the mem’ry of these school days
Faithful forever
Then let us enjoy these bright years
Which ne’er will come again

Hear! Hear! Hear! Happy voices are singing
Hear! Hear! Hear! Merry voices are singing
St. Clare’s School! We’ll always keep Thine honour fair
Let us sing these words of praise
We acclaim thy name
We acclaim thy name
Lift our voices again
Praise to thee

Dear School!

Supervisor’s Message

Being an alumnus of the school, I have to thank my Alma Mater for providing me with a solid fundamental education and it is indeed my honour to be able to serve as the Supervisor of the school.  I will try my best to do what I can while I can during my service. I hope the school will maintain the good traditions built up in the past years, and at the same time, be ready to build up the momentum for change in this ever-changing world.


With the guidance and help of the MNDA Sisters, the Principal, teachers and supporting staff, Clarians will learn how to lead a life with


Caring attitude,

Positive thinking, and



Under the school motto Veritas Vincit (Truth Conquers), Clarians will practise the Four Cardinal Virtues of Prudence, Justice, Fortitude and Temperance, and will follow the footsteps of our patron saint, St. Clare of Assisi, in playing an active role for the betterment of the Catholic Church and the society.


School Supervisor

Shirley WONG

Principal’s Message

My association with St. Clare’s began 40 years ago. From starting out as a kindergarten student, then to a secondary student and moving on to becoming a teacher and now to a principal – this has been one incredible and fulfilling journey!

St. Clare’s has been a place for me to build up the four cardinal virtues of Temperance, Prudence, Justice and Fortitude. I thank God immensely for giving me an opportunity to be here to grow, nurture our youngsters and work with our loving staff. As educators, we should always create opportunities for our students to develop all aspects of their personhood with excellence. We believe that each student is special and hope that they can shine with their talents as they move on in life.

The most important value at St. Clare’s is LOVE. Clarians learn how to love and be loved, to understand and be accepted by others. Clarians take pride in being themselves while learning to be humble. They know how to respect and learn from others. It is of paramount importance that our students stay positive and try their best to overcome the obstacles they face.

We thank the Lord for guiding us Clarians over these 90 years. May St. Clare our patron saint continue to protect us and help us to live with care and love. It is our deepest hope and prayer that our school will become a place where students can be called closer to faith and, in turn, draw their world closer to Christ.

God Bless,
Mrs. Elsa Hui

Class Structure

Class Structure 

Grade Number of Classes
Primary One 3
Primary Two 3
Primary Three 3
Primary Four 3
Primary Five 3
Primary Six 3

School Calendar

School Uniform



Activities of the Year

  • Blessing of the Graduates
  • Chinese Cultural Festival
  • Christmas celebrations
  • Community services
  • ECA (Extra-Curricular Activities)
  • Election of Prefects
  • Games Day
  • Graduates Camp
  • International Festival
  • Leadership Training Camp for prefects
  • Mathematics Wonderland
  • Month of Rosary, month of Holy Mary
  • Moral Education Talks and Workshops
  • Music and Speech Festival Competitions
  • Parents’ Days
  • Pilgrimage
  • Pinning of Prefects
  • Reading Awards Scheme
  • School Opening Mass
  • School Picnic
  • Speech Day
  • Staff Development Days
  • Year-end Mass

General Information

Office hours
Monday – Friday: 7:20 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Saturday: 8:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
School holiday: 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.


Address: 3-6,Prospect place,Bonham Road,Hong Kong (Sai Ying Pun Station Exit C)


Language Policy – Medium of Instruction

English has a pivotal place in education and in society. A high-quality education in English will enable students to speak and write fluently so that they can effectively communicate in society. Likewise, in attempting to express emotional or imaginative experience, the act of putting feelings and perceptions into language can give students a focus that deepens their knowledge of self and of the world.

It is our school’s overarching aim to promote high standards of language and literacy and develop language proficiency among our students so that they can be multi-lingual and bi-literate.

The school adopts English as the primary medium of instruction for all subjects with the exception of Chinese-related subjects and French. English is our main teaching medium for the subjects of English and Mathematics. To better equip our students for the curriculum in secondary education, we also adopt English for the subject of General Studies across grades.

Students also receive Putonghua language education starting from Primary 1 while Cantonese is used as the medium of instruction for Chinese and other non-core subjects. We realise the importance of early language exposure and therefore, we teach French to students from Primary 1 to 5 as well.

We take pride in stating that one of our students’ key strengths lies in their ability to communicate using a high standard of English. It has also been our constant endeavor to instill in students a life-long love for literature through widespread reading for pleasure.

In the past few years, we have provided students with numerous opportunities to explore the language beyond classrooms through activities such as daily assemblies, English-speaking days, International Festival, Solo-verse Speech Festival, Big Sister Reading Scheme, RTHK Radio Programme, Lunch Book Sharing and overseas cultural exchange programmes.

Homework Policy

Homework is an essential component in the process of teaching and learning which could facilitate students to self-review their progress and to better prepare for the learning and consolidation of new topics.

The School would assign students suitable amount of homework which fits the learning objectives. With a balanced quantity and quality of homework, students could improve themselves and have stronger learning motivation through teachers’ marking and feedback.

The School provides students with diversified homework. We hope that through different types of homework, students could apply the knowledge acquired in their daily lives; and at the same time, their abilities in writing, problem solving, logical and critical thinking could be further enhanced.

Students are required to hand in homework every day. If they miss handing in their homework, it will be marked on the “Missed Work” page in student handbook. Parents are expected to sign students’ missed work record, and to cooperate with the School by reminding their children to complete homework seriously for learning consolidation. It is essential for parents to review children’s homework, by which parents can have a better understanding about their children’s learning progress as well as the curriculum requirement.






Arrangements for Tropical Cyclones and Heavy Persistent Rain


School Uniform

Company Name: 金龍校服有限公司
Golden Dragon School Uniforms Ltd.
Address: 九龍太子道西194號地下
194 Prince Edward Rd, W., G/F, Mongkok, Kowloon
Tel: 2381-1408 / 2381-0889
Opening Hours: 09:00 – 19:00


Company Name: 帆船飲食集團有限公司
Address: 香港新界大埔汀角路55號太平工業大廈第二座10樓D室
Tel: 2470-9033

School bus

Company Name: 欣榮旅運有限公司
Yan Wing Transportation Co Ltd.
Address: 香港西灣河康祥街六號太富樓Q座地下
Tel: 2513-7665 / 2513-7811

2021-2022 聖嘉勒小學校巴路線資料

School textbooks

Company Name: 三聯書店
Joint Publishing HK
Address: 灣仔柯布連道1-1A號(港鐵灣仔站A3出口)
1-1A O’Brien Road, Wan Chai (MTR Wan Chai Exit A3)
Tel: 2838-2081
Opening Hours: 10:30am – 9:00pm(星期日至四)
10:30am – 9:30pm(星期五、六及公眾假期前夕)
Address: 西環卑路乍街8號西寶城111號 (港鐵香港大學站C2出口)
Shop 111, Level 1, The Westwood, 8 Belcher’s Street, Sai Wan (MTR HKU Station Exit C2)
Tel: 2258-9320
Opening Hours: 11:00am – 9:00pm


