
  • Chinese










We take pride in stating that one of our students’ key strengths lies in their ability to communicate using a high standard of English. It has also been our constant endeavor to instill in students a life-long love for literature through widespread reading for pleasure.

In the past few years, we have provided students with the following opportunities to further explore the language beyond classrooms.

Reading Award Programme
Students record the English books they read in the Reading Record Card.
The students who read the most number of books receive Reading Awards at the end of each term.

Hong Kong Schools Speech Festival
The Hong Kong Schools Speech Festival is one of the prime events in which our primary girls get the opportunity to challenge themselves in their spoken eloquence. Students give it their best when it comes to rendering the chosen pieces of text and uphold the long tradition of performing meritoriously at the event.

Big Sister Reading Scheme / Reading Buddies
Students of senior grades help students of junior grades enhance their reading interest by sharing books and story-telling. The senior girls read to the younger ones and ask them questions to develop their ability to comprehend and infer varied meanings from texts.

In the past academic year, we also had secondary students from St. Clare’s Girls’ School who came as reading buddies to our school and read books to our P.4 and P.5 girls.

English Ambassador Programme
To further enhance students’ confidence in speaking, English Ambassadors from the senior grades are stationed around the school campus on Mondays and Wednesdays. Students across grades share interesting anecdotes in English with the Ambassadors and earn stamps in their English passports. These stamps are redeemed for gifts at the end of each year.

International Festival
This is a celebratory day as students gear up for activities from countries around the world. Our senior girls design, create and supervise their own booth games which are a manifestation of world-wide etiquettes and culture. In the past academic year, students also got a one-of-a-kind opportunity to experience the mystifying facets of African culture through African Drumming.

RTHK Radio Programme
The department also participates in the Sunday Smile Radio Programme organized by RTHK which provides opportunities for students from P.3 – P.5 to use different forms of language arts. The students’ performances are subsequently broadcast on Channel 3 of RTHK.

Lunch Book Sharing
We make use of every opportunity in the curriculum to teach our students to become life-long readers and cherish reading for pleasure. Teachers and students take turns on a regular basis to share their favourite reads with all students during lunch breaks.

Book Report Form (P1-2)
Book Report Form (P3-6)


Our school’s mathematics curriculum aims to develop pupils’ understanding of basic mathematical knowledge, creativity, and problem-solving skills so as to enhance their lifelong learning abilities. More specifically, different learning experiences are tailored into our school-based curriculum to assist pupils to master the following five basic dimensions of knowledge: Number, Shape and space, Measures, Data handling, and Algebra.

To arouse pupils’ interest, learning and assessment activities are of a wide variety. Pupils do not just learn the mathematical concepts by listening to their teachers. They are given opportunities to actively apply their knowledge and creativity in solving problems during project work (e.g. making models, doing surveys), group discussions and presentations. Their confidence in Mathematics is also enhanced through participation in a number of inter-class and inter-school competitions.

Let’s take a look at what activities the students had participated this year (2018-19)

General Studies

The GS curriculum aims at enabling students to:
• maintain a healthy personal development and become confident, rational
• and responsible citizens
• recognise their roles and responsibilities as members of the family and
• society and show concern for their well-being
• develop a sense of national identity and be committed to contributing to
• the nation and the world
• develop curiosity and interest in the natural and technological world as
• well as understand the impact of science and technology on this modern society
• develop care and concern for the environment

Course content:

The course content of our General Studies Department is based on the “Curriculum Guide (2002)” of the Hong Kong Education Bureau. It provides students with opportunities to integrate knowledge, skills, values and attitudes. It promotes creativity through hands-on and minds-on learning experiences and problem-solving process which helps them to deal in everyday life. We also hope to widen their learning beyond the school settings through activities like outdoor visits, project learning, and newspaper clippings to stimulate students’ awareness about environment, science and history.
We use English as a medium of instruction for teaching G.S. This is to provide a better English foundation for our students and to pave the way for higher standards in English-taught subjects when they reach secondary level.
GS assessment comprises various continuous assessments, projects, newspaper clippings, tests and examinations, all of which are conducted in English. Our syllabus includes materials taught in the textbooks and also current affairs.

Biblical Knowledge

St. Clare’s Primary School is founded by The Congregation of the Missionary Sisters of Our Lady of the Angels. The founders wished our students would know God and have a fruitful life.

Subject Objectives:
–      To transmit the messages in the Gospel.
–      To cultivate values such as respect for life, filial piety, politeness, simplicity,  peace, justice, honesty, thoughtfulness, sacrifice for others and tolerance.
–      To teach students help and love each other as we are brothers and sisters in God’s family.
–      To guide students to experience God’s love in daily life and build a relationship with God (to teach them the ways of prayer)
–      To let students experience the connection of our faith to everyday life through liturgy, prayer and religious activities.
–      To help students understand the perfection in life that is to follow Jesus. They learn to live out truth as well as love God and one another, so that they would become good daughters of God.

Information Technology

The school’s IT curriculum is designed according to the EDB document, Modular Computer Awareness Programme. The curriculum fulfills the three learning objectives – information technology knowledge acquisition, skills and attitude which are listed on the consultation document for the Strategy on IT in Education.

Our IT teaching aids are designed according to the level of the students. Every IT lesson includes a theme and some activities. Using different teaching methods, the teacher gives the students some missions to motivate them. Students can enjoy the lesson, be inspired and have more room to think creatively. After they are well trained and have improved their IT technique, they can participate in group activities such as study reports and IT competition, which allows them to build up a positive attitude and to share their opinion. Letting IT become a part of our students’ daily life helps them to learn and take in knowledge more proactively and willingly.

The school includes topics to tell the students how to use IT functions correctly. For the senior students, copyright and other broad-based topics are included in the curriculum in order to raise their awareness when using IT. Assessments incorporate three domains – cognitive, affective and psychomotor.

Assessment Method

Through a continuous assessment of student’s performances.
There will be no written examinations.






1. 進展性評估
2. 根據學生表現填評估表
3. 不設筆試

Religious and moral education

School-based Religious and moral education is implemented for the developmental for the developmental needs of all students. We aim at developing and maximizing potentials of students and to help them build up the basic knowledge, skills and attitude in the four areas of personal, social, academic and career development through planned and progressive key learning areas. Our Religious and moral education programme is conducted in forms of classroom learning, short-term and structured course, group activities, assemblies, cross-curricular activities, religious activities, etc. Our school designs and develops various learning and guidance sessions or activities in a gradual and progressive approach with reference to the developmental needs of students. Interactive and cooperative learning programmes can enhance learning motivation of students. Active experiential learning can also encourage self-exploration and reflection and enhance applications in daily life through connecting learning contents with life experiences and events.

Joyful Youth



Useful Link


Leaving aside the core subjects, our school also emphasis on developing students’ interest in music and arise their skills in aesthetic appreciation so as to provide students with quality music education in facilitating their all-round and unique development.

Our school provides indispensable learning experiences for students’ growth and development through participation in various music activities, these integrated music activities like, creating, performing (singing and instrumental playing) and listening can cultivate students’ interest in music and widen their horizons. Hence, students can engage in life-long learning and incessantly improve themselves so as to meet future challenges.










Physical Education

Physical Education (P.E.) is “to educate students through physical activities.” It aims to develop students’ physical competence and knowledge of movement and safety, and their ability to use these to perform in a wide range of activities associated with the development of an active and healthy lifestyle. It also develops students’ confidence and generic skills, especially those of collaboration, communication, creativity, critical thinking, as well as the attribute of aesthetic appreciation. These, together with the nurturing of positive value and attitudes in P.E., are foundation for students’ life-long and life-wide learning.

Percussion Instrument using recycled materials

Sin Chiu Ping Charmaine P1 Faith

Tsang Sum Yuet Cassie P1 Faith

Chan Wui Tung Brianna P1 Faith

Fong Pui Ching P1 Love

Visual Art


6B Chan Hoi Ching

6B Ding ChinPui

6B Lam Wing

6B Yu Yin Lam

6D Ha Ching Ka

Recommended Book List

The School Reading List

Primary 1 & 2 Students

Title Author
1 Salty Dogs Matty Long
2 Don’t Look in this Book Samuel Langley-Swain
3 Gorilla Anthony Browne
4 Dr Xargle’s Book of Earthlets Jeanne Willis
5 The Legend of Spud Murphy Eoin Colfer
6 Mr Majeika Humphrey Carpenter
7 Jinnie Ghost Berlie Doherty
8 I Was a Rat!: Or, the Scarlet Slippers Philip Pullman
9 The Day the Crayons Quit Drew Daywalt
10 Tuesday David Wiesner
11 Beaver Towers Nigel Hinton
12 Triangle Mac Barnett
13 Fungus the Bogeyman Raymond Briggs
14 Mrs. Wobble the Waitress Allan Ahlberg
15 The Adventures of Captain Underpants Dav Pilkey
16 The Dunderheads Paul Fleischman
17 The Man Whose Mother Was a Pirate Margaret Mahy
18 Pirate School: Just a Bit of Wind Jeremy Strong
19 The Giraffe and the Pelly and Me Roald Dahl
20 Mog Time Treasury: Six Stories about Mog the Forgetful Cat Judith Kerr
21 Uncle Gobb and the Dread Shed Michael Rosen
22 Mr. Wolf’s Pancakes Jan Fearnley
23 Gobbolino the Witch’s Cat Ursula Williams
24 The Enchanted Wood Enid Blyton
25 Clarice Bean, That’s Me Lauren Child
26 The Story of Babar Jean De Brunhoff
27 Nim’s Island Wendy Orr
28 Fluff the Farting Fish Michael Rosen
29 The Tear Thief Carol Ann Duffy
30 How to Live Forever Colin Thompson
31 Press Here Herve Tullet
32 The Penderwicks Jeanne Birdsall
33 The Dragonsitter Josh Lacey

Primary 3

Title Author
1 The Abominables Eva Ibbotson
2 Ice Palace Robert Swindells
3 Voices in the Park Anthony Browne
4 The World According to Humphrey Betty G. Birney
5 Kid Normal Greg James
6 Harry the Poisonous Centipede Lynne Reid Banks
7 Dilly the Dinosaur Tony Bradman
8 The Invisible Boy Trudy Ludwig
9 Flat Stanley Jeff Brown
10 The secret world of Polly Flint Helen Cresswell
11 Fantastic Mr. Fox Roald Dahl
12 Wilf the Mighty Worrier: Saves the World Georgia Pritchett
13 The Magic Finger Roald Dahl
14 Dog in the Dungeon Lucy Daniels
15 Willa and Old Miss Annie Berlie Doherty
16 More Naughty Little Sister Stories Dorothy Edwards
17 The Diary of a Killer Cat Anne Fine
18 Picasso Perkins Adele Geras
19 The Reluctant Dragon Kenneth Grahame
20 The Charlie Moon Collection Shirley Hughes
21 Lullabyhullaballoo Mick Inkpen
22 All Because of Jackson Dick King-Smith
23 The Orchard Book of First Greek Myths Saviour Pirotta
24 Winnie-The-Pooh Collection A. A. Milne
25 Mrs Cockle’s Cat Philippa Pearce
26 Mrs. Pepperpot Stories Alf Proysen
27 Unusual Day Sandi Toksvig
28 The Owl Who Was Afraid of the Dark Jill Tomlinson
29 Pippi Longstocking Gift Edition Astrid Lindgren
30 The Cat in the Hat Dr. Seuss
31 Who’s in the Loo? Jeanne Willis
32 The True Story of the Three Little Pigs Jon Scieszka
33 It Was a Dark and Stormy Night Janet Ahlberg
34 The Railway Cat Phyllis Arkle
35 The Giving Tree Shel Silverstein
36 Where the Wild Things Are Maurice Sendak

Primary 4

Title Author
1 Max and the Millions Ross Montgomery
2 Desirable Frank Cottrell Boyce
3 My Brother Is a Superhero David Solomons
4 There’s a Werewolf In My Tent! Pamela Butchart
5 The 13-Storey Treehouse Andy Griffiths
6 Frank Einstein and the Antimatter Motor Jon Scieszka
7 The Peppermint Pig Nina Bawden
8 Operation Gadgetman! Malorie Blackman
9 The Children of Green Knowe Lucy M. Boston
10 How to Train Your Dragon Cressida Cowell
11 Lizzie Dripping Helen Cresswell
12 The Great American Elephant Chase Gillian Cross
13 The Twits Roald Dahl
14 Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Roald Dahl
15 War Game: Village Green to No-Man’s-Land Michael Foreman
16 Toad Rage Morris Gleitzman
17 The Last Castaways Harry Horse
18 The Falcon’s Malteser Anthony Horowitz
19 The House That Sailed Away Pat Hutchins
20 Fairy Tales Terry Jones
21 The Hodgeheg Dick King-Smith
22 The Worst Witch Jill Murphy
23 The Way to Sattin Shore Philippa Pearce
24 The Firework Maker’s Daughter Philip Pullman
25 The Suitcase Kid Jacqueline Wilson
26 George’s Marvelous Medicine Roald Dahl
27 Billionaire Boy David Walliams
28 Cliffhanger Jacqueline Wilson
29 The Legend of Captain Crow’s Teeth Eoin Colfer
30 The Invisible Dog Dick King-Smith
31 The Battle of Bubble and Squeak Philippa Pearce
32 Give Peas A Chance Morris Gleitzman
33 The Amazing Story of Adolphus Tips Michael Morpurgo
34 The Yearling Marjorie Rawlings

Primary 5 & 6

Title Author
1 Who Let the Gods Out? Maz Evans
2 Beetle Boy M.G. Leonard
3 Boy In The Tower Polly Ho-Yen
4 The Wolf Wilder Katherine Rundell
5 Heidi Johanna Spyri
6 Artemis Fowl Eoin Colfer
7 The Wonder Garden Jenny Broom and Kristjana S Williams
8 The Breadwinner Deborah Ellis
9 The Butterfly Lion Michael Morpurgo
10 Charlotte’s Web E. B White
11 Clockwork Philip Pullman
12 Danny the Champion of the World Roald Dahl
13 The What on Earth? Wallbook Timeline of Big History Christopher Lloyd
14 Dial-a-Ghost Eva Ibbotson
15 Dragon Rider Cornelia Funke
16 Emil and the Detectives Erich Kästner
17 The Incredible Adventures of Professor Branestawm Norman Hunter
18 I Know What You Did Last Wednesday Anthony Horowitz
19 The Ghost of Thomas Kempe Penelope Lively
20 Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets  J. K. Rowling
21 Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire  J. K. Rowling
22 Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone  J. K. Rowling
23 Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban  J. K. Rowling
24 Heard It In The Playground Allan Ahlberg
25 The Ultimate Alphabet Mike Wilks
26 The Hundred And One Dalmatians Dodie Smith
27 The Iron Man Ted Hughes
28 Krindlekrax Philip Ridley
29 Scribbleboy Philip Ridley
30 Stig of the Dump Clive King
31 Hacker Malorie Blackman
32 When Hitler Stole Pink Rabbit Judith Kerr
33 Moondial Helen Cresswell
34 The Demon Headmaster Gillian Cross
35 The Witches Roald Dahl
36 Bill’s New Frock Anne Fine
37 The Mouse and His Child Russell Hoban
38 The Clock Tower Ghost Gene Kemp
39 The Sheep-Pig Dick King-Smith
40 King of the Cloud Forests Michael Morpurgo
41 The Phoenix and the Carpet E. Nesbit
42 The Scarecrow and His Servant Philip Pullman
43 A Series of Unfortunate Events Lemony Snicket
44 Woof! Allan Ahlberg
45 Laughter is an Egg John Agard
46 The Factory Made Boy Christine Nostlinger
47 Aquila Andrew Norriss
48 The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane Kate DiCamillo

Advanced Reading List – Key Stage 3

Book’s Name Author
1. Watership Down Richard Adams
2. The Wolves of Willoughby Chase Joan Aiken
3. Peter Pan J.M. Barrie
4. The Dark is Rising Susan Cooper
5. Wolf Gillian Cross
6. The Seeing Stone Kevin Crossley-Holland
7. Boy and Going Solo Roald Dahl
8. The Diary of a Young Girl Anne Frank
9. The Weirdstone of Brisingasmen Alan Garner
10. Minders Diana Hendry
11. A Winkle in Time Madeline L’Engle
12. Across the Barricades Joan Lingard
13. Tug of War Catherine Forde
14. War Horse Michael Morpurgo
15. Stone Cold Robert Swindells
16. Northern Lights Philip Pullman
17. The Subtle Knife Philip Pullman
18. The Amber Spyglass Philip Pullman
19. The Indian in the Cupboard Triology Lynne Reid Banks
20. Black Beauty Anna Sewell
21. The Eagle of the Ninth Rosemary Sutcliffe
22. The Car Theodore Taylor
23. The Secret Diary of Adrian Mole Aged 13 3/4 Sue Townsend
24. Cue for Treason Geoffrey Trease
25. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Mark Twain
26. Blitzcat Robert Westall
27. The Sword in the Stone T. H. White
28. Raptor Paul Zindel
29. The Hunger Games Series Suzanne Collins
30. Pig Heart Boy Malorie Blackman
31. Framed Frank Cottrell Boyce
32. The Garbage King Elizabeth Laird
33. Wonder R. J. Palacio
34. The Book Thief Marcus Zusak
35. Percy Jackson and the Lightening Thief Rick Riordan
36. The Box of Delights John Masefield
37. The Call of the Wild Jack London
38. Private Peaceful Michael Morpurgo
39. Holes Louis Sachar
40. Twelve Minutes to Midnight Christopher Edge
41. The Hound of the Baskervilles Arthur Conan Doyle
42. Joby Stan Barstow
43. Journey to the River Sea Eva Ibbotson
44. The Giver Lois Lowry
45. Bridge to Terabithia Katherine Paterson
46. The Secret Garden Frances Hodgson Burnett
47. Unbearable Paul Jennings
48. Treasure Island R. L. Stevenson
49. Z for Zachariah Robert O’Brien
50. Shadowmancer G. P. Taylor

Book Recommendations by the Reading Ambassadors

Author Visits to SCPS 2018
1. Tuesday, 13th March 2018 (P.1 – P.3 students)
Gail Clarke – Children’s Author, Illustrator and Storyteller

After 28 years as a primary school teacher in Hong Kong, Gail Clarke retired and migrated with her husband to Italy in 2004. From one migration to another, Gail started writing about migrating animals (parrots and arctic terns) and now advocates passionately for environment preservation. Gail is a well-experienced planet ambassador and will be sharing her daring stories with our P.1 – P.3 students on 13th March 2018.

2. Tuesday, 27th March 2018 (P.4 – P.6 students)
David M. Schwartz – Children’s Author & Speaker

With the same energy, humor and clarity found in his 50 books, David wows audiences at schools in the United States and beyond. David is an accomplished storyteller and a master at getting kids to think and have fun at the same time. His presentations lead children on entertaining and educational journeys that combine Math, Science, Reading and Writing. David will conduct a sharing session (that would include exciting Math moments) with our P.4 – P.6 students on 27th March 2018.

New Book Arrivals

Newsletter – Reading Stars (Jan 2018 Issue)



書名 作者 ISBN
烏賊大王做體操 小木屋工坊 9789869383493
親愛的獅子爺爺 茱莉亞‧賈曼 9789865863975
小兔子邦尼的讀書會 安妮.絲薇妥 9789865730765
查禮,不要沒禮貌! 班瑞德里居 9789861896397
我不喜歡你這樣對我 史蒂芬.柯洛 9789866407659
我有理由 吉竹伸介 9789869292092
收藏天空的記憶 珮特.布森 9578246307
不偷懶小學4:忍不住大師 林哲璋 9789620867958
點亮奇妙大自然 瑞秋.威廉斯 9789865730512
奶奶來了  李惠欗 9789866735141
環保‧趣童話–我們不要麻煩鬼 馬翠蘿 9789620856204
害羞的芋頭 菜姨姨 9789620868337
我是文字小鬥士馬拉拉 凱倫.萊格特.阿伯拉雅 9789869476911
我做得到!小工程師蘿西 安德麗雅.碧蒂 9789864792054
海大魚 (認識戰國策) 謝武彰 9789869479417
完美小孩 艾可菲 9789861897202
狼來了!人來了! 詹姆斯歐尼爾 9789861897837
山吸童﹕摩登洞穴男孩 麥當諾 9789861897455
微笑警察 劉清彥 9789864792313
新鄰居,你好?! 伊蓮娜.拉塞爾 9789869420242
報告船長!我們準備啟航囉! 超過200道謎題,跟海盜一起大冒險 USBORNE編輯團隊 9789869352611
蘇老師愛讀書!我不愛 芭芭拉.波特納 9789577274618
小頓的願望實現了 葛瑞格.皮佐利 9789862116845
交換一天 廖書荻 9789862116920
生氣的海豚小黑 飛飛姑娘 9789887802303
瞞著老師的秘密 趙星子 9789574516148
我的弱雞爸爸 王文華 9789869419086
我們的風景系列 – 這個節日是春天 黃雅文 9789881450708
趣味歷史翻翻書系列 1﹕ 一起穿梭古今城市! 梅靜 9789620867927
環球文化大歷險,出發! 新雅編輯室 9789620867552
夢想甜點屋1:滿懷夢想的心型櫻餅 工藤純子 9789869281560
蘋果是我的! 福田直 9789866759338
我贏了!/我輸了! 伊莎貝.阿貝蒂 9867158695
爺爺一定有辦法 菲比吉爾曼 9789577626042
拜託!請打開這本書 亞當‧雷哈普特 9789865876258
你永遠是我的寶貝 宮西達也 9789862110805
如果你有一個想法? 科比.亞瑪達 9789865664220
小柚子:長大是怎麼一回事? 拉蒙娜‧巴德蘇 9789862115831
成語故事殿堂:道理篇  風車文化 9789888324842
亨利的科學時光機 菲利普.阿道夫 9789869262354
一直一直往下挖 麥克.巴奈特 9789862419359
莉莉愛問為什麼? 林西.坎普 9789863980070
小奇的藍絲帶 克勞蒂亞.米爾斯 9789867158121



書名 作者 ISBN
1 愛麗絲夢遊仙境 卡洛爾 9789861896410
2 找不到系列3:找不到校長  岑澎維 9789869498302
3 手斧男孩 蓋瑞.伯森 9789865947125
4 森林是我家 大衛卡利 9789861892115
5 奇想西遊記 王文華 4717211019320
6 感恩之門 黛比.艾威爾 9867460154
7 檸檬的滋味 派翠西亞.波拉蔻 9789866735806
8 蘭德理校園報 安德魯.克萊門斯 9789573264606
9 小香港人 阿濃 9789888073429
10 如果地球是個小村莊--認識世界各地人們的生活 大衛.史密斯 9789863381099
11 工作大透視 席樂薇.珊莎 9789863207238
12 泡泡紙男孩 菲力.厄爾 9789869163859
13 我是傑克,霸凌終結者 安德魯.克萊門斯 9789573272984
14 查理九世16:不死國的生命樹 雷歐幻像 9789888421480
15 愛因斯坦赤道 劉慈欣 9789888276981
16 我的叔叔 北杜夫 9789869352666
17 小天才大益智2:七節課探索太空 肯恩.詹寧斯 9789863209744
18 穿越故宮大冒險1:翠玉白菜上的蒙古女孩 鄭宗弦 9789864790876
19 發現地球大歷史 克里斯多福.李歐德 9789863593348
20 魔法公主學院 1:頑皮曲奇的惡作劇 一樹 9789888421633
21 STEM UP – 趣味科學大搜查:史無前例的發明 紙上魔方 9789888421503
22 法蘭克的實驗室1:超能機器人現身 強.奚斯卡 9789869458207
23 地面地下-四季昆蟲微觀圖記 邱承宗 9789862116272
24 妖怪新聞社:月光恐慌事件 王宇清 9789869148566
25 歡樂這一班 02﹕手機裏的討厭鬼 張嘉文 9789888362448
26 千奇百趣藍地球 方舒眉 9789888373345
27 活出新生﹕傑出小戰士故事集 生命小戰士會 9789888444236
28 露比任務﹕培養孩子邏輯思考的程式尋寶記 琳達.莉卡斯 9789869476751
29 小喬守護的情 翠鳥 9789888392438
30 童話實用文 謝煒珞、張屹晗、陳美珠 9789620705090
31 神探包青天3﹕變臉的綁架 凌偉駿 9789887781158
32 甜橙樹 (中國兒童文學名家精選) 曹文軒 9789620867774
33 開啟哲學之門﹕孩子要認識的哲學 竹田青嗣 9789620866319
34 找不到系列2:找不到山上 岑澎維 9789869495998
35 張曼娟成語學堂Ⅰ:野蠻遊戲 張維中 9789869495912
36 今天開始練菌!與可怕又有趣的好菌壞菌和平相處 都聰子 9789570845501
37 丁小飛校園日記3:副班長爭奪戰  郭瀞婷 9789869443364
38 爸爸放暑假 李光福 9789865641900
39 巴巴國王變變變 林世仁 9789620704048
40 生而自由系列:拯救大象 路易莎‧里曼 9789864434718
41 可能小學的歷史任務II  王文華 4717211019788
42 神祕圖書館偵探1-芽門、彩花籽與小小巫婆  林佑儒 9789869333962