Biblical Knowledge

St. Clare’s Primary School is founded by The Congregation of the Missionary Sisters of Our Lady of the Angels. The founders wished our students would know God and have a fruitful life.

Subject Objectives:

–      To transmit the messages in the Gospel.

–      To cultivate values such as respect for life, filial piety, politeness, simplicity, peace, justice, honesty, thoughtfulness, sacrifice for others and tolerance.

–      To teach students help and love each other as we are brothers and sisters in God’s family.

–      To guide students to experience God’s love in daily life and build a relationship with God (to teach them the ways of prayer)

–      To let students experience the connection of our faith to everyday life through liturgy, prayer and religious activities.

–      To help students understand the perfection in life that is to follow Jesus. They learn to live out truth as well as love God and one another, so that they would become good daughters of God.