IT Information

IT Information

The school’s IT curriculum is designed according to the EDB document, Modular Computer Awareness Programme. The curriculum fulfills the three learning objectives – information technology knowledge acquisition, skills and attitude which are listed on the consultation document for the Strategy on IT in Education.

Our IT teaching aids are designed according to the level of the students. Every IT lesson includes a theme and some activities. Using different teaching methods, the teacher gives the students some missions to motivate them. Students can enjoy the lesson, be inspired and have more room to think creatively. After they are well trained and have improved their IT technique, they can participate in group activities such as study reports and IT competition, which allows them to build up a positive attitude and to share their opinion. Letting IT become a part of our students’ daily life helps them to learn and take in knowledge more proactively and willingly.

The school includes topics to tell the students how to use IT functions correctly. For the senior students, copyright and other broad-based topics are included in the curriculum in order to raise their awareness when using IT. Assessments incorporate three domains – cognitive, affective and psychomotor.

Assessment Method

Through a continuous assessment of student’s performances.
There will be no written examinations.







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