In 1926 our co-foundress, Mother Mary Garbriel and 3 other sisters arrived in Hong Kong with the aim to open a Chinese novitiate.They rented a flat on Nathan Road, one of the poorest parts of the community at that time and evaluated the possibility of the project.On 7 Feb, 1927, an English institute was set up with 7 students. The institute was named after St. Clare as suggested by Father Shak.The school motto Veritas Vincit, which means Truth Conquers was adopted. It indicates that Christ is the foundation of the school as He is the way,the truth and the life. At the end of Feb 1927, the sisters moved to 5 Peace Avenue in Homantin. With the increasing number of students,the house at Peace Avenue was too small for both the students and the sisters’ quarters. At the end of October, 1927,they moved to 3 Argyle Street in Homantin. Having taken the advice of Bishop Enrico Valtorta,the sisters started to establish themselves in the Chinese district. Eventually, Kennedy Town was chosen to be the new site of the school.The new school was opened on Sands Street in 1930. In 1936, the school moved to Prospect Place, Bonham Road. In 1945-46,the school was reorganized under a new educational system, with 2 sessions;morning session for secondary and afternoon session for primary.
School History
School History
The Founding of St. Clare’s School in 1927
In 1926 our co-foundress, Mother Mary Garbriel and 3 other sisters arrived in Hong Kong with the aim to open a Chinese novitiate.They rented a flat on Nathan Road, one of the poorest parts of the community at that time and evaluated the possibility of the project.On 7 Feb, 1927, an English institute was set up with 7 students. The institute was named after St. Clare as suggested by Father Shak.The school motto Veritas Vincit, which means Truth Conquers was adopted. It indicates that Christ is the foundation of the school as He is the way,the truth and the life. At the end of Feb 1927, the sisters moved to 5 Peace Avenue in Homantin. With the increasing number of students,the house at Peace Avenue was too small for both the students and the sisters’ quarters. At the end of October, 1927,they moved to 3 Argyle Street in Homantin. Having taken the advice of Bishop Enrico Valtorta,the sisters started to establish themselves in the Chinese district. Eventually, Kennedy Town was chosen to be the new site of the school.The new school was opened on Sands Street in 1930. In 1936, the school moved to Prospect Place, Bonham Road. In 1945-46,the school was reorganized under a new educational system, with 2 sessions;morning session for secondary and afternoon session for primary.