Self Learning – Mathematics Mathematics 數學8寶箱 Modern Education Resources Platform P.1 Counting numbers ( 1 to 10) Straight lines and curves Numbers (1 to 100) Counting Addition (within 18 and 100) Subtraction (within 18 and 100) Addition and subtraction with cubes Time Tangram P.2 3-digit numbers Addition and subtraction with cubes Addition of 3-digit numbers Angles Subtraction (within 100 and borrowing) Multiplication Interactive clock Comparing 4-digit numbers Hong Kong’s Notes and Coins Addition and subtraction of money Comparing weights Scale reading Weight (grams and kilograms) P.3 Length (centimeters and millimeters) Perpendicular lines Multiplication and addition Multiplication and subtraction Mixed operations 24-hour time Fractions Capacity P.4 Multiplication of fractions with same denominators Proper fractions, improper fractions and mixed numbers Comparing decimals Symmetrical shapes Areas Prime numbers and Composite numbers P.5 Addition of decimals Subtraction of decimals Addition and Subtraction of decimals 3-D shape (Prism) 3-D shape (Pyramid) Net of cuboid Net of cube Division of fractions P.6 Sections of 3-D shapes Changing between decimals and percentages Changing between fractions, percentages and decimals Volume and capacity Diameter of a circle Circumference of circle Others: 1. Allmath 2. Math Playground 3. Maths For Kids 4. Coolmath4kids 5. Kids Math 6. 數學故事廊 7. 中國古代數學 8. 數學遊戲
Self Learning – Mathematics
Modern Education Resources Platform
1. Allmath
2. Math Playground
3. Maths For Kids
4. Coolmath4kids
5. Kids Math
6. 數學故事廊
7. 中國古代數學
8. 數學遊戲